Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Arizona- A Birding Meca

Arizona- The best way I can describe Arizona is Florida on steroids, I think of Florida I think of wading Birds, When I think of Arizona and Texas, I think of songbirds and Hummingbirds and plenty of them.

On this particular trip I joined Matthew Studebaker for an 11 day Trek throughout Southern Arizona, I was most appreciative of this invite as he asked me to help assist him on this trip as a research assistant. I had always wanted to see and photograph birds in Arizona, So I jumped at the chance.

 We based ourselves in the Green Valley Area, South of Tucson, The first several days of the trip was a scouting mission, where our goal was to locate various Owl species that inhabit this area in preparation of the arrival of a client from the Dominican Republic.

 Matthew had done thorough research on the area and through friends and others we had a good idea of where to look for target Owl species once we got there, Upon arrival we hit the ground running with target areas to check out, Days were long  at 14-18 hours in the field. but we were rewarded with 5 Owl species and countless songbirds and Hummingbirds.

Upon the arrival of Matthew's Client, we had procured good opportunities at a Great Horned Owls Nest in Saguaro Cactus, Thanks to Randy Wiley, A Gentleman who winters in the area and had knowledge of a particular GHO's nest, Thanks again to Randy for his sharing this opportunity with us, Randy was kind enough to actually meet me and guide me directly to the nest area.

This 1st Image is a pre sunrise Image where the Mother had just returned to the nest with the Owlets, there are actually 3 Owlets but only 3 can be seen here.

 This was taken shortly after sunrise and from the backside of the nest, The Owlets are pretty much non visible with mom taking precedence from this angle of view.

This image was captured after the sun had set with both parents actively calling to the Owlets from the field behind the Owls nest,  Mom is on the right and dad to the left.

Other species we photographed were Western screech Owl, seen here at dusk before leaving its home in a Saguaro Cactus

An Elf Owl  we located as well also in a Saguaro cactus,  but this one was out actively hunting in the area and photographed well after dark.

We traveled to the Miller Canyon area in far Southern Arizona where we were able to photograph the rare Spotted Owl, after a long drive and hike up the Canyon, Here at the higher elevations we encountered sleet and some snow.

We also spent an Afternoon at Bill Forbes place in Madera Canyon  where we photographed several varieties of hummingbirds and other species coming into feeding stations. The after noon light was amazing here, A very pleasant place to Photograph. Seen below is a Black Chinned Hummingbird
  A Broad Billed Hummingbird

A Magnificent Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird

Other species seen and Photographed at Bill Forbes place in Madera Canyon were The Acorn Woodpecker

As well as the Arizona Woodpecker

Black Headed Grossbeaks
Mexican Jays

Scotts Oriole

We also photographed at Bill Forbes place at Elephant head in the lower Madera Canyon area, there we seen species like Gilla and Ladder backed woodpecker, Gambell's Quail, Pyrlaxia and White Winged Dove as well as many others.

Towards the end of our trip we met up with Jim Burns, Jim was Instrumental in assisting us with locations all throughout our trip as well as meeting and guiding us to some  specific locations for unique species such as Elegant Trojan, Red Faced and Olive Warbler. Jim was an amazing person to be around his knowledge of the area was immnese and he greatly added to our success. Although we missed on the Red faced and Olive Warbler, we did manage several of our other target species... Thanks allot Jim, It was allot of fun.

We Photographed a Variety of other species in our travels as well, Ill include a few of them below.

Cactus Wren

Black Throat-ed Sparrow

Swainson's Hawk

It was an amazing trip. I believe I seen 49 new species and Photographed well 32 of them. I trip I will forever remember. Matthew Studebaker will be hosting workshops there in the future starting in 2014, anyone Interested should contact him, It will be a trip you will forever remember, He can be reached here

All in All Arizona was one of my most memorable trips in Avian Photography, Not only for the Birds I seen and was able to photograph but time with friends. A terrific experience, One I will forever remember!

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